*** “Originally published two years ago this week, with Hurricane Harvey’s harrowing Houston devastation, coupled with the untimely death of my best friend John R. Lee earlier this year (1-08-17), this Hurricane Katrina post takes on new poignancy, meaning, and relevance.” ~ Airlift Mike ***
Truth be known, the morning Mother Katrina came to town – August 29th, 2005 – I woke up at a Red Roof Inn in Jackson, Mississippi, to which I’d evacuated, along with my son, through the contraflow out of New Orleans the night before.
My running partners – Rich Lenz, Norman Robinson, Heath Allen & Dan Milham – all ‘stood watch’ and remained on-duty reporting the entire debacle via WDSU-TV for all to witness.
Painful. Distressing. Life-altering. Even Apocalyptic!
And this past weekend as we all got together at Brian Landry’s place just outside NOLA in Slidell… the ‘Katrina guilt’ began to set in … again.
Rich & his wife Leslie lost their entire home in the flooding. The home they had raised their kids in was completely destroyed by the breached London Avenue canal. Norman Robinson and his wife had similar catastrophic results from the MRGO in New Orleans East.
Milham & Allen, living ‘out of Dodge’ in north shore haunts were luckier with their homes, but still had to gut it out on-camera and tell the tale – of the horrors, struggles, death & destruction – while broadcasting to the anxious, scattered-to-the-four-winds New Orleanians tuning-in.
Meanwhile, I CAN Learn educational software founder and my good pal John Lee, who stayed through the storm …. well, he was uptown at Jackson & Magazine street …. burying Miss Vera, left dead on the New Orleans sidewalk in the steamy August-September heat.
As yours truly slept-in around the air-conditioned Red Roof in Jackson … and watched it all play out on TV. The term was coined, very appropriately ~ ‘Katrina Guilt’.
So, after we’d all returned from our Katrina-cation, I patched-up the house and studio (hardly damaged, no flooding) and decided to get back to work myself. With Rich Lenz. And together, we created musical ‘salve for the wounds’. To wit …..
*** “I Ain’t Livin’ in the Bowl No More” ~ Rich Lenz & Company ***
Along with a cast of characters, we put together a bright, up-tempo, Garth-Brooks-ish take on Rich’s calamity on Chatham Drive. It all proved quite therapeutic, actually. For all parties concerned. We even talked Brad Edelman, former All-Pro Guard with the N.O. Saints, into playing his harmonica for us. Too much fun!
*** “Up In The Attic” ~ Rich Lenz, recorded at Airlift Productions ***
Now, imagine – if you can – a woman climbing into her attic to escape Katrina’s floodwaters … only to die there! It was but one of many similar stories Rich had to cover for WDSU – and he came to me and Airlift Productions to just let it … all… out. Again, therapy.
Then, we’d get together at the Airlift Productions Studios, join our talents, and put on a show for our Children’s Hospital with tunes like this one. Heath Allen and Rich would take the leads, along with Brian Landry of Children’s and Norman Robinson on the horns – the Soul Men.
All to benefit the kids down at New Orleans Children’s Hospital.
To close on yet another up-tempo & positive note, it is both interesting, and rather amazing, to think that many folks around America – and the world – still believe that NOLA is UNDER WATER! Really.
They have no idea whatsoever as to our recovery. So…. take a trip with me now – high above our City Park, with footage taken just weeks ago, courtesy of drone cinematography and witness true resilience….
** City Park, New Orleans ~ as seen from the sky via drone technology, courtesy Todd Schmidt, Video Wunderkind **
Through America’s greatest tragedy, my media partners were indeed the heroes… while I was but the observer, albeit occasional confidant, chronicler and cheerleader.
Perhaps I need to visit old Lucy in the classic Charlie Brown cartoons with her ‘Psychiatric Help – 5 cents’ sign and booth. Because the infamous ‘Katrina Guilt’ still hangs on after these ten years. Well, look me up in another ten and I’ll let you know how I’m doing.
In the meantime, better days are on the way, America. They have to be. Keep the Faith.
“Mike, thank you for 25 years of successfully teaching Algebra to children of color and students who were living in poverty. They aren’t living in poverty anymore thanks to you and the mathematical skills you gave them. They are doctors, engineers and scientists today.” ~ the late JOHN R. LEE, founder & creator of the I CAN Learn Mathematics Educational Software