*** Today, August 11th, 2019, as we commemorate the 5th anniversary of Robin’s passing, allow me to dip into the Airlift Blog archives with sentiments penned while the loss was fresh. Because through five years time… my thoughts remain unchanged. ***
As the planet wrestles with the untimely demise of comedian/actor Robin Williams – together with the weighty issues of depression & suicide that his death has raised – I came here today to unpack a few of my many thoughts & emotions on the subject.
As a comedian and comic, his gifts were no doubt unique and unparalleled. But it was his strides as an actor, along with the roles he chose, that were so endearing … searing and slow-cooking his memory indelibly into the hearts & minds of countless millions planet wide.
Sure, we first met him as ‘Mork from Ork’ along with his Johnny Carson stand-up/fall-down performances … but it will be his turns as anarchist DJ Adrian Cronauer in ‘Good Morning Vietnam’ and metaphysical teacher John Keating in ‘Dead Poets Society’ that will ring forever, echoing in eternity.
Gee, and I haven’t even mentioned ‘Good Will Hunting’, or perhaps one of your favorites.
Rare indeed is the actor who can make us laugh uproariously … and then cry uncontrollably. Paroxysms of laughter … followed by oceans of tears. And thought.
It has been said that there is no genius without a touch of madness. Seneca, who tutored emperor Nero, once opined that, ‘Whom the gods would destroy – they first make crazy’. There is little doubt that sweet soul Robin lived his very life dancing on the edge … and this past Monday morning … went over it.
Depression. Suicide. Some say his problems were financial – divorces, bad business decisions, putting too much faith in the wrong people. Some say he was frustrated – accepting acting jobs just to ‘pay the bills’, didn’t care to revive and resuscitate that ole’ Mrs. Doubtfire … the explanations and excuses will persist ad infinitum and ad nauseum.
But the simple fact is this….
Suicide is a very permanent solution to what is in most cases a temporary problem. Things change. They always will. It defines a life. But not a death.
Robin, oh Robin. ‘Oh Captain, My Captain’, but why did you have to seize the day … that way?
Let’s face it, The Great Spirit/ the Father/Creator of All that is Seen and Unseen – is not too jiggy with suicide. The idea of throwing away His great gift of a Life is abhorrent in His Eyes.
Perhaps there are exceptions. Who knows? It defines the word ‘hubris’ to think that you and I could actually think like God. You know, put ourselves in His shoes … or sandals, if you will.
After all, His eye is on the sparrow. Perhaps it’s on the Robin too.
Mr. Williams, since you’ve dropped your body … you are now free to roam about the universe.
But don’t blame us if we say that we’ll miss you. 🙁