Go ahead and get caught up in the game all you want, but when you get right down to it, all Life as we know it here on the 3rd rock from the sun is nothing more than an elaborate, wildly choreographed, sexually transmitted disease!
And this just in, the Leading cause of Death … is Birth. Just ask Olivia Newton John, Tony Dow, or Anne Heche. Or, for that matter, the dozens of SIDS victims this week alone who never even got their chance.
As you look back upon the Super Moon, the Sturgeon Moon, hanging low in the summer sky the other night, pause to consider – not a one of us is sure exactly HOW we got here, WHY we are here, or WHEN we go home.
But of one thing we are all certain.
You and I both have, like the milk jugs on the refrigerator door, an expiration date stamped on our forehead that we just can’t quite read. And we all hang by a slim thread from the tree of this life never knowing the day or the hour.
We all come IN with nothing and EXIT with nothing (I’ve never seen a hearse with a luggage rack), and one hundred years from today, in 2122, every human on the planet today (now nearly 8-Billion) will be gone!
OK, so do we meditate on this eternally universal truth to depress us … or to liberate and motivate us? The answer is quite obvious.
We cannot ever change the cards we’ve been dealt. Our only choice in the matter is how we play the hand!
Life is not, as the saying goes, ‘a bitch, and then you die’, it’s more like: Life is this grand and glorious, most bodacious Amusement Park that mom & dad bought and paid our ticket for when they did the horizontal hokey pokey, the mattress mambo.
To continue the metaphor, we only get so many rides around that sun. And, just like the carousel merry-go-round ride, our lives goes Up & Down, and round ‘n round … and eventually come to an end!
Oh, and you must be this spiritually tall to continue riding the ride. 🙂
So as you reflect back on that big, fat Super Moon, just a couple thoughts to ponder:
‘That which was never born … can never die’.
The biggest part of ANY of us will never be reflected in a mirror, doesn’t show up on a scale, and will never be found in an autopsy.
And my favorite Zen Koan (riddle), ‘Who were you … before your mother & father met?’
I’ll wait.
~ Respectfully,
Micheal Z down in dixie at N’awlins’ airliftproductions.com
p.s. And should you get a chance, increasethepeace ….mgz