Early Mornings around the Airlift PROductions Studios have a different beat than most recording studios or production houses, a different vibe.
Reflective. Quiet. Thoughtful. Picture Paul & Art in the background, choirboys Simon & Garfunkel harmonizing, or Chet Baker’s horn, and that would be about right.
The way most see it, my problem is that I’ve never been ‘right’.
Except when the whole world turns Left.
As America gobbles down fast food by the truck-full – I’ve got the crock pot going in the kitchen – for eight hours.
While most folks knock themselves out in a morning commute to a job – I’m traveling up-hill at ten mph on a Nordic track cross-country ski machine – meditating!
Even people who don’t know the most – know that I believe in ghosts.
Truth be known? I’ve always been this intensely mystical, metaphysical space cowboy. Color outside the lines? Wait a tick, you mean, there are lines?
Go ahead!
Nip it, tuck it, tint it, lift it. All you want. Do what you will with the body, but it’s just a place your memories call home. And (as the white man is often wont to say), at the “end of the day”/death? That body of yours is just a fingerprint that your soul has left behind.
Reality? It’s all in the eyes of the beholder. Or, make that ‘in the eyes of the beer-holder’ – in bars & nightclubs all around America every weekend.
Complaints? Mine are few. My life has been blessed, besting many radio, studio & tech challenges, along with more than my share of fascinatingly captivating women across many state lines and across many decades.
Yeah sure, I’ve seen sorrow and I’ve seen pain. I’ve been burnt by the blazing sun… and drowned in the pouring rain. (Thank you, Joe Cocker.)
But through it all – Spirit, Music & Humor have always seen me through! And onto the other side of all that pain and rain.
A classic case in point? I once received a post card from the ex-wife containing the image below, and the note said simply, “Having a great time, wish you were here.” 🙂


“I would like to say something about Airlift and the man behind the mic, Mike Ziants. I have worked many years with him and to say the experience was awesome seems about right. This man is like a painter with audio. When I thought the session was fine, Mike would find ways to enhance it and make it so much better. If you or your company is in the market to make a commercial or film or anything in the entertainment field, you should go to Airlift you’ll be glad you did.” ~ The Late Comic Extraordinaire MIKE WELDON