I guess it’s not just any true crime drama story that has it’s own Facebook page – with a legion of fans nationwide. But, then again, this is not any ordinary story.
Written by Margaret Anne Barnes, “Murder in Coweta County” tells the rather incredible true story, ripped from the headlines, of a brutal murder, it’s investigation, and the fallout in Coweta County, Georgia.
In 1948, John Wallace was a powerful and feared man, whose family holdings were known as ‘the Kingdom’. But when he killed a poor tenant farmer, the ensuing investigation led to a trial – the very first in Georgia to condemn a man to the electric chair: a white man convicted & sentenced to die … on the testimony of two black men.
While the 1983 made-for-CBS-TV film starred Andy Griffith (against type) as the villainous John Wallace, and Johnny Cash as lawman Lamar Potts ~ yours truly has been invited to audition for the audio book version!
A-hem! Now, audio books are a whole different animal. And a story such as this deserves a rich, straight-ahead narrative … while s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g the ‘actor’s chops’ to embrace the colorful sounds of the south, yet at the same time tread that oh-so-thin line between authenticity and stereotype.
How’d I do?
~ Micheal Ziants Audition for “Murder in Coweta County” ~
You know, the life of the VoiceOver actor and talent is always interesting and never a boring one, that’s for sure.
And if selected to commit the pages of this gripping, dripping-with-blood, salacious page-turner into it’s audio bedtime story counterpart, I will certainly have my work cut out for me.
How does that old line from radio/TV days around the newsroom go? “If it bleeds – it leads!” And now “reads”…”Chapter one, page one …”
Airlift PROductions Recording Studio & Airlift Mike …. telling America’s story from New Orleans since 1984!