The S.O.S. call came into the Airlift Productions Studios from London, England just this past Tuesday… with George Washington, Lord Cornwallis’ surrender, talk of Redcoats & that Tea Party thing in Boston well in the rear view mirror.
It was Geraldine from Brainstorm in the UK looking for some help on a project for one of their major clients – Jaguar. Or as the Brits pronounce it, ‘JAG-you-are’.
Apparently a couple of Jaguar’s demo team/drivers had been in New Orleans through the past month, across the river in Avondale at NOLA Motor Sports, and a film Brainstorm was working on needed a few audio VoiceOver patches done – now!

Tim Scully of California and Brett Bogart from New Hampshire showed up at Airlift Productions on Thursday afternoon for a 4:30 session to do the deed.
So, let’s see, I’m coordinating a phone-patch recording session here in NOLA with guys from California & New Hampshire, on behalf of London concerns at 4:30 in NOLA – with a director, Jeffrey, while he’s on a cell phone getting off a commuter train in London at 10:30 pm UK-time!
Gee, I’ve got a strange life, huh?
** Brett Bogart VoiceOver Work for Jaguar via Airlift Productions **

The session went splendidly. Brett, Tim and I ‘crossed all the Ts and dotted all the Is’, I watched my tongue and refrained from references that might seem too “dodgy” or “cheeky”, as Airlift Productions & I delivered the goods.
The big fat Aiff files were then sent via FTP site directly into the mac computers inside the edit bays of Brainstorm within one hour of our recording just like that. Voila!
As once again Airlift & I extend goodwill and hands/headphones across the waters … from the states – ‘England, Junior’ – to our mother country. Hey, I’m all about Beatles, Stones, and Bond – James Bond.

Irony was further served … as I served Tim & Brett a Dos Equis beer after the session (hey, this is New Orleans), so now we’ve got a Pennsylvania-born engineer recording New Hampshire & California boys for the Brits in the UK … toasting the session’s success – with a Mexican beer!
Only in America, huh?
Which is, of course, what that whole tiff in 1776 was all about.

“Micheal Ziants & I have worked on a number of celebrity productions together. He’s a cool head in tight spots, keeping the talent moving ahead happily. He has a wealth of experience at the controls and behind the mic, and knows what he can and can’t get — a valuable and rare sense of proportion. Working at Airlift Productions remotely via Skype or phone patch is seamless. It’s like being in the next room.”
— JOHN F. McELROY, New York based Grammy Award Winning Audio Book Producer
To Communicate is the beginning of Understanding!