Well, it’s that time of year again, when a morning dog walk through the ‘hood yields visions of ghosts, witches & goblins, all sharing front yard space with – the blessed Virgin Mary!
Only in New Orleans.
OK, possibly in other parts of America, but never more pronounced than here in a 300-year-old city predominately old Spanish, old French – and very Catholic.
So, in the spirit of Halloween, yours truly decided this past week to do a little bit of audio trick or treating of my own.
After spending quite a bit of time re-designing my Airlift Productions website, I went to work, trick or treating…
In an attempt to find some new folks to work with, some new “playmates in the sandbox”, the Shadeaux and I went to the internet, since no one really picks up a work phone anymore, and receptionists actually answering a phone is so last century.

After doing a google search on the top advertising agencies in New Orleans, visiting each of their respective websites (amazingly, some had none), I wrote each one a rather succinct email, or simply filled-out their ‘contact page’ form.
I merely told each agency that I had been a voice talent, writer, studio owner, and audio production dude here in NOLA for the past 30 years and wanted to connect with them to discuss possible future work together.
These words were followed by an invitation for each of them to visit my website for corroborating material – audio, video, studio pics, and testimonials.
In closing, I simply asked, “May we talk?” And closed with a signature, phone number, and the line “much respect”.
So, what happened?
After a substantial, decades-long contribution to the media DNA of New Orleans – years of audio production and voice work, shouldering the outdoor campaigns of WGNO and WNOL, WDSU and WVUE all old-school (reel-to-reel tape dubs in cardboard boxes), 17 years with the Lamarque Motor Company, ten years pro bono with the United Way, twelve years producing all the radio campaigns for The Esplanade Mall ….
Crickets…. Not a single reply.
Trick or Treat!?!
“Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse” … er, ah, a millennial. Wait a tick, I’m in the wrong holiday!
Either way, sorry, gang, but the way my mother raised me, I see this back-handed treatment as just downright rude.
Whether I’m considered (along with my formidable studio) irrelevant, old-school & ‘dated’ – or a threat, in the business world, of which advertising agencies sure are a part, the courtesy of a reply is appropriate.
How about one more thought.
The prophet will always be without honor in his own land.
Oh, and a Happy Halloween to you and yours.
Airlift Productions ~ Audio Alchemy & Digital Magic from New Orleans since 1984