It sure has been an interesting week around the Airlift Productions Studios here in NOLA. And a day in the life of a VoiceOver artist is certainly never boring.
There is not an ocean on the planet that Seacor Marine vessels do not sail. And multinational Shell Oil is among the largest and most powerful oil companies in the world.
This past week I had the honor of working for both of them.
Yes, the Airlift Studios were buzzing as commercial work & audio book projects gave way to industrial fare. You know, it occurred to me a long time ago that teaching someone how not to die while on the job was not only necessary… but rather noble.

Working alongside Tim Weston of TLW Productions here in NOLA, Wednesday afternoon I narrated Safety Videos for the SEACOR MARINE crews in an effort to get the boys out to sea from Port Fourchon safely.
Meanwhile, Friday morning, contacted and contracted by new Airlift client Launch Media in Baton Rouge, I recorded a corporate outreach effort on behalf of SHELL OIL.
In fact, this job struck like lightning! The call and email came into Airlift after hours Thursday night, and was signed-off on, recorded, tagged & bagged by 9:30 Friday morning.
Launch Media Creative Director Wes Kennison made the request, then orchestrated and directed via the Airlift phone-patch, and wave files were relayed back to Baton Rouge for post-production.
When it comes to corporate, industrial V/O jobs, the person behind the mic has to take control… cross the T-s and dot the I-s, with letter-perfect diction. With Authority. With Conviction. With Sincerity.
*** Airlift Mike, setting the pace for Port Fourchon, LA ***

Like I said, a day in the life of a working VoiceOver artist is never boring. Especially if you get to occasionally play around in front of the camera too! From New Orleans …. 150 miles out into the Gulf of Mexico.
And teaching someone how not to die while on the job is not only necessary … but noble.
To Communicate is the Beginning of Understanding.
Airlift Productions Communicates.